Business & Corporate Financial Services in Northampton

Elsby Corporate Finance provides Services to support the life cycle of growing SME’s:

  • Acquisitions & Divestments
  • Venture Capital backed MBO and MBI
  • Succession Planning, Employee Ownership
  • Strategic Planning and Corporate Development
  • Corporate and Commercial Finance
  • Business Sales and Valuations

About Elsby Corporate Finance 

We focus on supporting SME and their owners through their lifecycle, from setup, through periods of high growth, maturity and on towards succession planning and an Exit.

Acquisition provides a potential route to rapid incremental growth with access to new Clients, Products, Staff, IP and Resources.

External Finance and Investments can support the process allowing the business to maintain reserves and working capital

We provide advice and support with Succession Planning:  Executing an MBO, or MBI or implementing an employee share scheme, or when the situation dictates planning an Exit via a Trade Sale.

Working with your accountants

Elsby Corporate Finance works closely with the Elsby accounting teams (or your existing accountant) to understand how we can use knowledge of the client’s business interests to best structure their growth and corporate development.



  • Planning and delivering acquisitions
  • Financing, support, and implementation of MBO, MBI
  • Raising finance by way of external equity, Venture capital, Angel investments
  • Succession and Exit planning
  • Business sales Valuations and support of Due Diligence

Elsby Corporate Finance Leadership

The Elsby Corporate Finance team is led by David Howard, an experienced Business Broker and professional with a proven track record of delivering Acquisitions, Disposals and Finance to support clients along their journey.

If you would like to hear more about how Elsby Corporate Finance can help you and your business, please e-mail:


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What our clients say about us

We focus on giving you the right advice to help your company grow